SAP PO Online Training in Hyderabad

Overview of SAP PO Training

Software AG’s SAP Process Orchestration (SAP PO) software helps companies streamline, coordinate, and optimise business processes by automating and integrating processes across SAP and non-SAP-based systems.

By combining SAP Process Integration, Business Relation Management, and Business Process Management, they optimise business processes across systems, helping enterprises reduce process inefficiency while improving agility for improved returns on investments.

SAP PO is a game-changer. It boasts features for integration, business rules administration, process modelling, execution monitoring and optimisation, and process optimisation.

Not only can you automate and integrate processes, but it can also revolutionise them to boost efficiency, agility, and compliance for more significant business potential.

The SAP Network Viewer network platform contains four parts, each serving a separate function: information, coding language, website, and master data management.

SAP PO training in Hyderabad offers a comprehensive learning experience. It features the SAP Network Viewer, an extensive program with information layering capabilities, including code language programming (CCL), master data management (MDM), and coding layer encapsulations. Rest assured, you’ll gain a deep understanding of SAP PO and its applications.

Imagine ERP software as the beating heart of your organisation. The central hub oversees and coordinates critical operations like HR, production planning, material management, and sales.

By placing ERP at the core of your operations, your organisation runs efficiently on closely linked pillars.

SAP PO training will equip you with the skills to manage this crucial hub effectively.

Application or software middleware that transforms data sent by one party into its format on behalf of another and sends its response back.

Service-oriented architecture (SOA) involves multiple services communicating among themselves; an example would be when someone requests Google services, with either or its servers serving up that request as one service and someone seeking them out as another service provider.

These services are loosely linked, meaning each can run independently without depending on the other, reducing dependence between systems.

In SAP PI and PO terminology, loosely interconnected systems refer to systems that operate autonomously but share data through SOA applications.

This means both can exist and function separately but share data when necessary, providing greater flexibility and data-sharing abilities.

Organisations often use BPM to manage their business operations. BPM provides complex logic, such as weight or approval logic, that cannot be found elsewhere through interfaces. BRMs and BLMs should not be underutilised; SAP PI/PO middleware allows integration with external systems.

Dual-stack NetWeaver installations host the SAP PI adapter, integration, and business process engines; their limitations include performance issues, limited external connectivity, and performance upgrades.

SAP Process Orchestration Training in Hyderabad meets these challenges head-on by unifying NetWeaver BPM, BRM, and BRM into one Java stack for full functionality. History shows its development through changes in SAP middleware architecture.

Process Integration and Orchestration Training in Hyderabad.

This process integration and orchestration course appears to provide theoretical and practical knowledge.

An impressive feature is the in-depth examination of Process Integration (PI) components and their operations, which provides a solid framework for further practical exercises in later sections.

SAP PI’s enterprise application integration platform role should be highlighted when connecting SAP and non-SAP applications.

As consumer environments become more complicated, it becomes more apparent that an integrated solution such as PI is essential to their successful operation.

Students can better grasp PI’s architecture and operation by understanding the significance of elements like the Integration Directory, System Landscape Directory (SLD), and Enterprise Services Repository Platform (ESRP).

Deliberating over different integration types – A2A and B2B integrations – gives an even more precise idea of where SAP PO finds application in various contexts.

Students participating in SAP PO courses in Hyderabad that emphasise hands-on exercises and tools such as Integration Builder and runtime workbench gain practical expertise when working with SAP PO.

This SAP Process Orchestration course in Hyderabad provides learners with an in-depth knowledge of process integration and orchestration, helping them effectively overcome integration obstacles in various client environments.

Integral Platforms PI vs PO

Integral platforms that connect various SAP and non-SAP applications, like SAP Process Integration (PI) and Process Orchestration (PO), provide distinct architectures and functionalities suited specifically for meeting business requirements.

PI = Integration of SAP Process:

  1. System Landscape Directory (SLD):

This vital directory, managed by experienced administrators and consisting of essential information that facilitates communication among various applications and databases by storing metadata about system components, is integral to maintaining effective organisational operations.

  1. Enterprise Service Repository (ESR): An enterprise service repository that stores objects created at design time, such as mappings, data and message types.

    3. Integration Directory (ID): The Integration Directory is a configuration environment that facilitates setting up communication channels and integration scenarios.

  1. Integration Server (IS): The Integration Server is the runtime engine that implements integration scenarios, message flow management, routing, and mapping processes.


  1. Dual Stack (ABAP and Java): One architectural approach introduced with PI 3.1 is Dual Stack (ABAP and Java), which provides flexible adaption capabilities that allow the system to adapt flexibly to different integration scenarios.
  2. One-Stack (Advanced Adapter Engine designed specifically for Java): An optimised design tailored for use within the Java environment that facilitates administrative duties while improving performance.

Business Process Engine (CCBPM):

It supports the modelling and executing complex business processes with stateful interactions, using a stateful interaction model based on the Business Process Execution Language.

SAP Process Orchestrator (PO)

Combination and Enhancement:

  1. Java-only Process Orchestration: PO, exclusively Java-based, expands upon PI’s functionalities by taking advantage of its single-stack architecture.
  2. Business Rules Management (BRM): BRM provides a centralised definition and administration of business rules to ensure consistent decision-making processes.
  3. Business Process Management (BPM): Besides supporting fundamental integration, Business Process Management (BPM) provides users with powerful tools for modelling, executing and overseeing business processes.

Distinct Features:

  1. Increased Integration Capabilities: PO offers more comprehensive tools and functionalities than PI, including sophisticated business process management (BPM) and risk management systems. This increases integration capabilities while creating an end-to-end process management and integration solution.
  2. Java-Only Architecture: Po’s use of an all-Java architecture reduces the complication associated with dual-stack configurations.
  3. Licensing: Regarding licensing, PI and PO tend to operate under distinct models; PO typically offers more features that necessitate unique licensing considerations.

Therefore, SAP PI and PO are tailored for integration and process management clients. While SAP PI provides limited functions to orchestrate business processes comprehensively, PO relies heavily on critical elements like SLD to guarantee efficient system communication.

Setting Up SAP PO Server: Basics

A successful SAP PO Server setup involves several critical actions for data sharing between system elements. Once started with transaction code SXMB_IFR and the System Landscape Directory (SLD), configure goods and software components through clear naming conventions in SLD to simplify managing and understanding system data.

Once sender and receiver systems have been developed, adapter types must be carefully specified to identify interface directions and whether synchronous or asynchronous interfaces should be created depending on response expectations.

Furthermore, clear message exchange structures should be made by following conventions, such as using names like MT_ for data and message types, respectively.

Develop software more efficiently using compatible tools such as Java Web Start and recommended versions of Java to avoid conflicts during development.

Import software components from SLD while specifying namespaces, data types, message types and service interfaces so modifications after configuration take effect more swiftly.

Field mappings must meet data interchange requirements when creating message and operation mappings. They must also be rigorously tested against sample data to detect and resolve problems promptly, guaranteeing setup dependability.

Modifying data type structures to handle diverse data scenarios and prepare for complexity, such as various qualifications, should also be part of this plan.

Finally, tools should be utilised to create precise operation mappings between source and target interfaces to increase efficiency within PO environments and maximise data transfer efficiency.

PO Monitoring Enhances Efficiency

PO runtime workbench offers essential components to guarantee speed and dependability in system monitoring. Now let us investigate these details more in-depth:

  1. Message Alerting: This feature is essential, providing quick notifications when problems arise, such as mapping or connectivity issues. Prompt notification of potential issues allows system dependability by encouraging rapid actions to resolve possible problems quickly.
  2. Centralized Monitoring: This step monitors several critical areas, such as components, messages, performance, and integration processes. Dual-stack servers require rigorous scrutiny to operate correctly.
  3. Component Monitoring: This includes monitoring the integration server and service repository, two essential components, via the Configuration and Monitoring Home area. Here, users can quickly assess component health by seeing essential aspects like integration engine status or business process engine availability status displayed in real-time.
  4. Execution Pipeline: This section ensures the system’s functionality by including processes like processing messages, validating XML documents, and determining its interface. The caching system allows you to monitor the integration engine’s real-time message performance and resource use.
  5. Integration Process Monitoring: This feature gives insight into specific business engines, enhances workflow visibility and allows users to monitor integration operations properly.
  6. Message Monitoring: Monitoring sending and receiving payloads is vital to keeping any system functioning seamlessly and efficiently.
  7. Performance Measuring: Tools designed to measure performance are indispensable in evaluating system efficiency. Optimising resource use relies heavily on cache and transaction monitoring tools that measure their usage optimally, but additional measurements must also be implemented to achieve proper resource optimisation.

SAP PO’s expansive monitoring options give customers invaluable insights into efficiently overseeing and controlling their systems’ integrity, reliability, and efficiency. These strong monitoring capabilities ensure smooth integration processes while guaranteeing uninterrupted operations.

Import IDOC from ECC

Your process appears comprehensive for importing an IDOC from ECC into SAP PI/PO, configuring interfaces, mapping and configuring, and protecting data integrity while simplifying system integration.

Every step must be followed carefully for best results and system integration – your steps have been summarised here:

  1. IDOC Import from ECC to ESR:

– Create a namespace.

– IDOC import from ECC to ESR,

– load orders05, then activate modifications;

– import modifications before activation (order no 1).

  1. Data Type, Message Type, and Service Interface
  2. Mapping and Configuration:
  3. Testing and Issue Resolution:

Your instructions detail how to build and deploy an integration scenario, address issues as they arise and ensure data exchange between systems.

Token-Based REST Security Tokens

Servers issue tokens as permission-granted keys to enable access to REST API servers; to do this successfully, users need authentication (user ID and password), user management system support, and token-based REST Security Tokens.

Once authenticated, clients must use an access token when connecting to the server, and they are frequently verified as eligible to access resources.

This connection and authorisation method operates live without saving the state on the server. It uses an alphanumeric token key exchanged between client and server each time the latter connects.

REST design patterns are stateless, meaning that client authorisation must occur for the connection to be valid. Immunify tokens are essential in REST APIs’ authentication and authorisation functions. Authentication is achieved using user ID/password combinations that grant access to REST API resources; authorisation requires both authorisation tokens to remain active during connection validation.

Authorisation enables operations on resources owned and administered by an authorisation.

Location Hierarchy

A Location Hierarchy (or Hierarchy of Place) is an organised database or system used to classify physical locations such as cities, districts, roads, and even countries, states, and provinces at multiple levels. This system helps manage physical places effectively in terms of cities, neighbourhoods, countries, states, and regions.

The structure provides a standardised and effective means of organising and retrieving location-related data.

Retail companies use location hierarchies to easily monitor sales data by area, state, and shop. Analysts can quickly drill into data at various degrees of granularity to uncover patterns and trends.

An established Hyderabad location hierarchy can ensure data precision and uniformity by designating standardised names and codes for each tier. This can make tracking down errors easier and rectifying inconsistencies more efficient.

An adequate location hierarchy can optimise location data’s efficiency, accuracy, and usability in various applications, from logistics management and supply chain operations to corporate intelligence reporting.

SAP Process Orchestration (PO) Hyderabad location hierarchy efficiently coordinates integration issues and communications among systems and applications in this location. It may contain Country (India), Interface/Message levels in Hyderabad, and optional country levels to suit individual corporate demands for system/application cooperation.


SAP PO Training in Hyderabad

SAP PO (Process Orchestration) training in Hyderabad offers individuals a complete educational program to equip them with all the knowledge and abilities required to design, create and deploy integration solutions using SAP PO. Various regional institutes and consulting firms provide this education program, which equips individuals with these abilities.

SAP PO online training in Hyderabad covers many subjects, from fundamentals and integration scenarios through adapter configuration and message mapping to more advanced features like the Business Process Management (BPM) component and Enterprise Service Repository.

Hyderabad-based training institutions typically provide SAP PO training through classroom-style, online-only, and hybrid instruction. Some training institutions even provide hands-on sessions where students work on real-world integration scenarios or projects for added practical experience.

Training programs vary based on institute and curriculum but typically last 15-50 days. When completed successfully, participants may earn a certificate of completion or attendance.

Overall, SAP PO training in Hyderabad can assist individuals to advance their careers in enterprise integration by equipping them with the skills required to develop and implement successful integration solutions through SAP PO classes in Hyderabad. In turn, certification of this type is also offered here.


SAP PO Certification in Hyderabad

Candidates in Hyderabad interested in seeking SAP PO certification should ensure they fulfil the eligibility requirements, typically one to two years of experience connecting SAP systems to non-SAP ones with SAP PO.

Students then choose from SAP’s various certification paths, including the SAP Certified Application Associate and the SAP Certified Development Associate.

As such, enrol in a well-renowned SAP training course offered at recognised colleges in Hyderabad to prepare adequately for the certification examination.

Candidates enrolled can visit the official SAP website to register for an examination on a day and location that best suits them.

Utilising study material provided by SAP Hyderabad and your training institute, practising with sample questions, and familiarising yourself with its format are all integral parts of an effective preparation strategy.

On test day, candidates should arrive promptly at their chosen examination centres and complete all tasks within their allotted timeslots.

Candidates who pass their exam will receive digital certification from SAP to prove their expertise in SAP PO training in Hyderabad. It is advised to thoroughly review both exam objectives and curriculum before seeking certification.


SAP PO Certification in Hyderabad

In Hyderabad, prospective SAP PO certification holders must satisfy the eligibility prerequisites, which generally include one to two years of experience utilising SAP PO to integrate non-SAP systems with SAP systems. Candidates who meet the requirements are presented with an array of certification pathways offered by SAP, including the SAP Certified Development Associate and the SAP Certified Application Associate.

To sufficiently equip themselves for the certification examination, it is highly recommended that candidates enrol in a reputable SAP training course provided by accredited colleges in Hyderabad. Subsequently, they may proceed to the official SAP website to enrol in the examination at their preferred time and venue. Incorporating study materials supplied by SAP Hyderabad and the training institute, putting sample questions into practice, and acquainting oneself with the examination structure are all essential components of a successful preparation approach.

Candidates must be punctual at their designated examination centres on the test day and finish all assigned duties within specified periods. Successful candidates will be awarded digital certification by SAP as evidence of their SAP PO training in Hyderabad expertise. A comprehensive curriculum and evaluation of exam objectives before pursuing certification is recommended. Candidates can increase their likelihood of success and showcase their mastery of SAP PO by adhering to these procedures and sufficiently preparing for the certification exam.

  • SAP PO Training in Hyderabad
  • SAP PO Training in Kukatpally, Hyderabad
  • SAP PO Training in Dilsukhnagar, Hyderabad
  • SAP PO Training in Secunderabad, Hyderabad
  • SAP PO Training in Kondapur, Hyderabad
  • SAP PO Training in Ameerpet, Hyderabad
  • SAP PO Training in Uppal, Hyderabad
  • SAP PO Training in Abids, Hyderabad
  • SAP PO Training in RTC X Roads, Hyderabad
  • SAP PO Training in Punjagutta, Hyderabad

Signup to our SAP Online Training in Hyderabad to get benefitted with SAP Skills.

Head Office :Opp: Saibaba Temple, Bhagya Nagar Colony, Kukatpally, Hyderabad, Telangana 500072