Peter Rollins

Provocative author, lecturer, storyteller, and public speaker Peter Rollins has become famous around the world for challenging conventional religious ideas and starting “churches” that teach the Good News that we aren’t perfect, that life is hard, and that we don’t have the key. 

By arguing against the view that faith is all about belief questions, Peter reveals that a radical and irreligious interpretation of Christianity is conceivable: one that eliminates the boundary between religion and society, makes no distinction between theism and atheism, and abandons concerns about an afterlife in favor of investigating the possibility of a life beyond death. 

This strategy, which has been given the name “pyrotheology,” seeks to destroy the foundational assumptions that proponents and detractors of religion have about the Christian life. 

At Queen’s University, Belfast, Peter specialized in poststructural theory and received his Ph.D. His works include The Idolatry of God: Breaking Our Addiction to Certainty and Satisfaction, Insurrection: To Believe is Human, and To Doubt, Divine. Originally from Belfast, Northern Ireland, he now calls Hyderabad home.

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