Philosopher and media scholar Dr. Giovanni Tusa splits his time between Madrid and Paris.
He has attended universities in Italy, Barcelona, London, Cuba, Russia, and Canada to study philosophy, modern art, and film.
Cuba, the London Documentary Film Festival, the Biennale della Danza in Venice, Coimbra, and Paris have all shown Professor Giovanni Tusa’s work as a documentary filmmaker and video artist.
Giovanni worked with colleagues from around the globe during his time as a Research Fellow at France’s Ministry of Science, Higher Education, and Research.
He is interested in studying topics such as Deleuze and nomadic hope, architecture, modern cinema, Pasolini, parasitism, animal philosophy, Heidegger and the being-away of the living, archives and the spectral heritage, Antonio Negri and the politics to come, Jean-Luc Nancy and the limit of absolute singularity, cinematic language and the violence of editing, and Deleuze and more.